
Providing a Better Way to Power

Your Life and Save You Money

Bruin Solar harnesses clean energy and power from the

sun to save you money and reduce your carbon footprint.


Looking for a Trusted and Reliable Source for

Solar Energy and Roofing?

A yellow bruin solar icon of a sun with rays coming out of it on a white background.

We're Built for 

Bruins by Bruins

An aerial view of a large home with solar panels

Clean Energy and Savings Await You!

Benefits of Solar Energy

Huge Savings on Electricity Bill

With utility rates soaring annually by 6% - 12%, transitioning to solar energy is essential for homeowners looking for long term savings

on their monthly electricity bills.

Harness the power of the sun to power your home instead of relying on the conventional utility grid.

Achieving energy independence can significantly reduce your monthly electricity bill by up to 95%.

Receive 30% Tax Credits

The Residential Clean Energy Credit (ITC)

is a government-sponsored incentive that reduces the cost for homeowners and businesses who use alternative energy resources.

The 30% tax credit is based on the total

cost of qualified purchases like solar and battery storage systems.


Business owners can also reduce their

taxable earnings with MACRS and bonus depreciation on solar and battery system purchases.

Protect the Environment

Solar Energy is a clean, renewable energy source, which reduces your carbon footprint and contributes to a healthier planet, and

your overall well-being.

For a typical household, going solar

energy eliminates three to four tons of

carbon emissions each year.

This is the equivalent of your family planting 100+ trees annually!

Increase Your Property Value

Solar and battery storage systems are considered a valuable asset and home improvement to your property, increasing

a property's resale value by an average

of 3%-5%. 

A study done by Zillow confirmed that

solar installations increase a home’s resale value by up to $6K for each kilowatt of

solar panels installed, and another study estimated an increase of 4.1% of the

home’s overall value.

Plan Against Rising Energy Costs

By locking in your energy costs, you can safeguard your financial stability and future.

Additionally, as electric vehicles become

more common, the demand and price for electricity will continue to increase.

By generating your own electricity, you can manage these costs much more effectively.

Always have Power

Power outages due to weather, fires, earthquakes, or overloaded utility grids

are unavoidable.

With your own solar energy system,

you’ll always have power for your

essential items during the day.

And when you add a battery backup

system, you’ll have power even when

the sun’s not shining or the utility grid

                          gets shut down.                                 

A yellow bruin solar icon of a sun with rays coming out of it on a white background.

Our Offer and Commitment to You

As long-time energy experts and fellow Bruins, you will find comfort in knowing that we'll always have your best interest in mind.

With a focus on trust and reliability, we are guided by our core values and fundamental principles that include the people we work with. 

We’re not just in the business of installing solar and storage battery systems and roofing, but we're also about building meaningful relationships with our customers, as we guide them into taking control of their energy future.

During our free consultation, we’ll assess your property, recommend the best system for your needs, and provide a detailed price breakdown and energy savings analysis.

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